NCBRT eLearning 50 States Challenge

June 15, 2009

​The spirit of competition is a long standing part of the American culture and the NCBRT Director Colonel Tom Tucker is issuing a professional challenge to all 50 states in the interest of national preparedness.  Beginning now and continuing through September 2009, NCBRT challenges each state to inspire 500 new eLearning participants to complete one web based course over the next three months.

NCBRT eLearning has the ability to administer 50,000 online courses a year.  Currently however, eLearning is not operating at its maximum capacity. This challenge is to support the expansion of well informed and capable communities.  In a letter to SAAs Colonel Tucker expresses confidence in the 50 states challenge saying, "I believe that together we can achieve this important goal."  The numerical break down is about five participants a day for each state and there will be a tip of the hat to states with the most competitive spirit. At the end of the competition, the state who reaches 500 participants first, as well as the state with the highest number of completions over all at the end of the three months will be recognized at the Annual Instructors Meeting held November 17-18, 2009 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

For over ten years NCBRT has been a DHS training partner providing high-quality training to emergency responders throughout the United States and its territories under the NCBRT's Homeland Security National Training Cooperative Agreement. Preparedness is a shared, national responsibility requiring our active participation to prepare America to address its threats. Now, with the eLearning platform participants have the ability to conduct top rate courses in the privacy of their own home or office without interruption to their daily activities.

NCBRT eLearning Courses Include:

  • ​Preparing Communities for Agroterrorism: Awareness-Level
  • Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts – Law Enforcement Version
  • Prevention and Deterrence – An Overview for all Disciplines
  • Foundational Awareness of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism
  • Nurses on the Frontline: Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters
  • Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Incidents on Mass Feeding
  • Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Incidents on Bulk Distribution
  • Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Incidents on Mass Sheltering
  • Disaster Mental Health Considerations During a Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorist Incident
  • eCDLS (eCore Disaster Life Support)

Additional eLearning courses being developed include Awareness and Response to Biological Eventsand A Coordinated Response to Food Emergencies: An Introduction.

All of America's 50 states are being called upon to bring forth their ambition and talent and accept this challenge in reaching out and training more responders. For, "It is the love of country that has lighted and that keeps glowing the holy fire of patriotism."  -J. Horace McFarland