NCBRT Courses Accredited by Oklahoma Fire Service Training


August 26, 2010

The Oklahoma Fire Service Training (OFST) through Oklahoma State University has accredited 22 of NCBRTs courses for CEUs for fire service personnel in the state of Oklahoma. The process included submission of all NCBRT course material and a review of the courses by OFST. Upon review, OFST found the course design in compliance with its Course Accreditation requirements and granted approval. The accreditation is valid for a three-year period.

The accredited courses are as follows:

A Prepared Jurisdiction: Integrated Response to a WMD Incident 

Emergency Response to Domestic Biological Incidents 

Operational WMD Response for Law Enforcement, Train-the-Trainer 

Operational WMD Response for Law Enforcement Preparing Communities for Agroterrorism, Train-the-Trainer 

Preparing Communities for Agroterrorism 

Awareness and Response to Biological Events, Train-the-Trainer 

Law Enforcement Prevention & Deterrence of Terrorist Acts, Train-the-Trainer 

Transit Terrorist Tools and Tactics 

Public Safety WMD Response — Sampling Techniques and Guidelines 

Advanced Forensic Investigations for Hazardous Environments 

Introduction to the CAMEO Suite, Train-the-Trainer 

Introduction to the CAMEO Suite Utilizing CAMEO in WMD, Train-the-Trainer Utilizing CAMEO in WMD 

Tactical Planning for Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents 

Preparedness and Response to Agricultural Terrorism, Train-the-Trainer 

Preparedness and Response to Agricultural Terrorism 

Executive Seminar: Prevention of, Response to, and Recovery from Campus Emergencies Weapons of Mass Destruction 

Advanced Tactical Operations