NCBRT Offers Video Tele Training
January 25, 2012

Tele Training Photo
The National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT), part of the Stephenson National Center for Security Research and Training at Louisiana State University, taught its Awareness and Response to Biological Events course via Polycom in six cities simultaneously on January 19. The course delivery is part of a video tele training (VTT) system in which NCBRT instructors broadcast a DHS certified course via two-way audio and video transmission from their headquarters in Baton Rouge, LA to participants in multiple areas across the country.
VTT allows emergency responders to train at their location, saving time and money,
especially for those in rural areas. "This is a means to address the required training
in a cost effective and efficient manner," says Associate Director of Operations and
Plans at NCBRT, Steven Williams. "The more rural areas of a state have truly benefited
from this project because it has reduced driving time to a typical training site from
3-5 hours to 30 minutes."
The recent training, sponsored by Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, Kentucky Fire Commission, and the Center for Rural Development, was broadcast to Kentucky Community and Technical College campuses in Ashland, Elizabethtown, Paducah, Owensboro and Florence as well as Ozarks Community Hospital in Gravette, AR. Seventy emergency responders were trained during the four-hour course delivery.
The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security has scheduled more VTT courses in March,
May, July and November. NCBRT will be teaching its DHS Overview for Law Enforcement,
Screening of Persons by Observational Techniques, Preparing Communities for Animal,
Plant, and Food Incidents: An Introduction and Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence
of Terrorist Acts courses. These courses are in addition to the courses which have
previously been conducted in Kentucky and Oklahoma.
If you would like to host a VTT course in your state or city, please email NCBRT at