Updated Prevention and Deterrence Course Available


May 15, 2014


The National Center for Biomedical Research and Training recently updated the Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts course. The updates include new case studies, new fraudulent identity reference cards, new video, and enhanced train-the-trainer material. The updated version of the course is available to schedule beginning June 1.


Photo from P&D 2014

Photo P&D 2014

This course trains law enforcement personnel on actions they can take to prevent, deter and respond to terrorist acts. The law enforcement officer is part of the front line defense in preventing and deterring WMD terrorist incidents where the release of WMD agents is likely to occur because of criminal actions. The nature of law enforcement officers' daily work environment provides them with an enhanced understanding of the community not shared by the public. This heightened community awareness provides law enforcement officers with a unique opportunity to prevent or deter potential WMD terrorist incidents.

The course addresses awareness-level functions associated with WMD recognition, prevention and deterrence applications for law enforcement officers. Subject areas covered in the course include intelligence gathering, threat recognition, community-oriented policing, counterfeit identification detection, information sharing among agencies, and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) agents or materials that can be procured either legitimately or illegally to produce a WMD.

This course is offered as a 16-hour train-the-trainer delivery. The target audience for the course is established law enforcement trainers/instructors in academies, agencies or departments who are seeking to train participants by teaching the indirect version of this course using course materials provided by NCBRT. The indirect version of this course is commonly delivered as part of in-service or academy training to support continuing education.

To schedule the Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts (AWR-122-1) course at your facility, please contact your Regional Training Mana​​ger.