Updated Instructor Development Workshop Offered to Responders in a Teaching Role
November 12, 2014
NCBRT instructors met in Baton Rouge to hone their teaching skills during the Instructor Development Workshop (IDW) October 14-16.

Photo from IDW 2014
The goal of the course is to ensure instructional excellence by providing a forum for experienced instructors to share their experiences with participants and learn together, both during discussions of instructional techniques and in commenting on each other's presentation skills during the prepared teach-backs.
"Undoubtedly, the teach-backs were the most valuable portion of the entire course," said Kevin Togami, NCBRT Instructor. "Presenting to peers and professionals makes you want to up your 'game'."
The IDW delivered in Baton Rouge was a newly updated version of the course, which
includes more hands-on practical application of training methods participants can
take back to their agency, such as improvements to the format of teach-backs, the
addition of motivational game activities, and additional content on learning and teaching
styles as well as presentation and instructional skills.
"I believe I am an improved instructor having been involved with the IDW revision
process," said Jim Sellers, one of four subject matter experts who teamed up to update
the IDW course.
"Even coming from a 40-year career focused on improving instruction, I've learned
lots from our team's discussions related to the adult learner, instructor competencies,
presentation skills, best instructional practices, accommodating learner needs, and
planning for professional improvements."
The IDW is not only offered to all NCBRT instructors as part of the instructor certification
process; it is also part of NCBRT's course offerings. The course is recommended for
any first responder who holds an instructional position at their agency.
"We take good instructors and make them better," Nicole Coarsey, NCBRT Instructor
Development Manager, sums it up.
For more information or to schedule this training, please contact your NCBRT Regional
Training Manager.