DHS/FEMA Courses
Awareness Level
Awareness Level courses are designed for responders who require the skills necessary to recognize and report a potential catastrophic incident or who are likely to witness or investigate an event involving the use of hazardous and/or explosive devices.
AWR-118 | Biological Incidents Awareness
AWR-122 | Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts
AWR-219 | Site Protection through Observational Techniques
AWR-219-C | Site Protection through Observational Techniques, Customized
AWR-315 | Fundamentals of Criminal Intelligence
Performance Level
Performance Level courses are designed for first responders who perform tasks during the initial response to a catastrophic event.
PER-219 | A Prepared Jurisdiction: Integrated Response to Critical Incidents
PER-220 | Emergency Response to Domestic Biological Incidents
PER-222 | Public Safety CBRNE Response - Sampling Techniques and Guidelines
PER-228 | Crime Scene Investigations for Hazardous Environments
PER-229 | Introduction to Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Suite
PER-275 | Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response
PER-298 | Team Approach to Foodborne Outbreak Response
PER-335 | Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks
PER-340 l Active Threat Integrated Response Course
PER-374 | Active Threats on Campuses: Protective Measures and Response
PER-375 | Surviving an Active Threat: Run. Hide. Fight.
PER-383 | Document Inspection for Law Enforcement
Management and Planning Level
Management and Planning Level courses are designed for managers who build plans and coordinate the response to a high-consequence event (either man-made or natural).
MGT-323 | Instructor Development Workshop
MGT-324 | Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response, and Recovery
MGT-324-C | Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response, and Recovery - Customized
MGT-418 | Readiness: Training Identification and Preparedness Planning
MGT-447 | Managing Food Emergencies: Strategies for a Community Response
Web-Based Level
Web courses are designed for busy professionals like you. Your coursework can be done according to your schedule, allowing you to advance your career while still enjoying your personal life!
AWR-304-W | Shopping Center Security Terrorism Awareness Training Program